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to Louis LaSalle/Fine Art Photography. For me, photographing
the male physique is a collaborative process. I have the good fortune
to work with models who represent the aesthetic epitome of what
the human body can become. They are artists in their own rights,
who have through years of hard work and discipline turned their
bodies into living sculpture. They are also performance artists
who change on command into countless characters of our imaginations.
with all living things, each according to their gifts.
-- Leonard Nimoy as Spock
in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
I approach a photo session as a dialogue between myself and
the model. We each bring our own unique contribution of creativity,
knowledge and experience to the session. When we share and pool these
skills, the dialogue is positive and good work naturally follows. When
true rapport is established, then magic
about art is like dancing about architecture.
-- Steve Martin
When we attempt to describe visual experiences something
is inevitably lost in the translation. Nevertheless, we are social animals
and we love to talk about everything, including art.
For fine art, I prefer black & white. I find there to be an almost
lyrical quality in the play of light and shadow in black & white.
Air can glow. Water can become glass or inky blackness. Textures can
beg to be touched. But most of all, in our day-to-day world we are constantly
bombarded with color and moving imagery. Black & white photography
stands out like a candle in the darkness. It calls attention to itself
by its simplicity. Somehow for me, emotion flows more freely from a
black & white photo.
From here, Ill let my work speak for itself!

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